Save a file (like png or jpg) from web using clojure / babashka
babashka scripting is the way to go:
(:body (curl/get "http://your-URL.test"
{:as :stream}))
(io/file "icon.png"))
or do it in Clojure, named with current date:
(import '(java.time.format DateTimeFormatter) '(java.time LocalDateTime))
(let [date-str (.format (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd") (LocalDateTime/now))]
(:body (curl/get (str *input*) {:as :bytes}))
(str "date-" date-str ".png"))))
use pmap to leech concurrently 🤓
for more web-hackiness you can pipe/chain:
httpie, jq, htmlq, bb, awk
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