Simple Jekyll Gallery
Please put your images in subfolders under $jekyllroot/img/
|_ img
|_ gallery
|_ 2018
|_ 01
|_ 16
|_ origami_festival
|_ 01.jpg
|_ 02.jpg
|_ ...
|_ 99.jpg
Jekyll runs Liquid templates and relies on Front Matter, which is represented by the first block in between the ---
. And this is where the gallery’s path is set. The if-statement in the loop, looks like it doesn’t belong, but due to the nature of how Jekyll iterates and builds, we have to live with it.
layout: post
title: Origami Festival
tags: [album, paper]
gallery_path: "/img/gallery/2018/01/16/origami_festival/"
{% comment %} file: jekyllroot/_posts/2018-01-16-origami-festival.html {% endcomment %}
{% for image in site.static_files %}
{% if image.path contains page.gallery_path %}
<p><img src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}{{ image.path }}" alt=""></p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You can of course turn this into an include or jekyll inclusion module, with a little more work.
Caution! Please adapt your code according to your settings in _config.yml
of url
and baseurl
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