Scope your OOP Coffeescript in modern Rails Apps
This post shows you how to easily integrate and scope your frontend Javascript. Keep your legacy code and rebuild your app step by step.
Let’s build an async json loaded component (Ajax), without using jQuery at all, which is used to render a chart.
What you will learn
- build reusable components
- split data, rendering and logic (without using a Framework)
- I will use Coffeescript, but any other JS will do ;-)
- the app is called CoffeeComponent
- the namespace class in html is
- the rails route path that responds with JSON is
Simply think of a namespace and add it as a class to your class, in our case this would be the class coffeecomponent-component-name
. -component-name
building the scope.
Add component div-wrapper to your HTML5 view
In your rails view, where you want to display data, add this div:
<!-- in app/views/welcome/index.html.erb -->
<div class="coffeecomponent-nameboard" data-url="<%= api_names_path %>">
<!-- Content gets rendered here -->
use namespaces in your coffeescript
# wrap classes, group classes
window.CoffeeComponent or= {}
# by using `window` in combination with `or= {}`
# each object is instantiated only once
# further objects can then be added by writing
# or adding objects like this:
CoffeeComponent.ThisAbcComponent = class ThisAbcComponent
implement a jQuery independet $(document).ready()
window.CoffeeComponent or= {}
CoffeeComponent.Document = class Document
ready: (fn = null) ->
if document.attachEvent?
if document.readyState is "complete" or document.readyState is not "loading"
fn() if fn?
document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', ->
fn() if fn?
implement a jQuery independet Ajax Json Getter
window.CoffeeComponent or= {}
CoffeeComponent.AsyncJsonGet = class AsyncJsonGet
constructor: (@url, @fn = null) ->
@request = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', @url, true)
@request.onload = =>
if @request.status >= 200 and @request.status < 400
# Success!
data = JSON.parse(@request.responseText)
if @fn? then @fn(data) else data
# reached server, but it returned an error
@request.onerror = ->
# error
write the component itself
window.CoffeeComponent or= {}
CoffeeComponent.Nameboard = class Nameboard
constructor: (@data, @target) ->
elem = document.querySelector(@target)
elem.innerHTML = "<ul>"
for name in @data
elem.innerHTML += "<li>Hello #{name}!</li>"
elem.innerHTML += "</ul>"
hook up your component in its controller’s js asset file
# app/assets/javascript/
new CoffeeComponent.Document().ready ->
do -> # each component instantiation in a self executing function
renderNameboard = '.coffeecomponent-nameboard'
element = document.querySelector(renderNameboard)
return unless element?
url = element.dataset.url
new CoffeeComponent.AsyncJsonGet url, (data) ->
new CoffeeComponent.Nameboard(data, renderNameboard)
- scope styles in a similar manner
- implement a callback for error ajax requests
- write a useful component :-P
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