Debounce functions with coffeescript
#Debounce Functions
You want to execute a function only once, coalescing multiple sequential calls into a single execution at the beginning or end.
Solution example taken from coffeescript cookbook With a named function:
debounce: (func, threshold, execAsap) ->
timeout = null
(args...) ->
obj = this
delayed = ->
func.apply(obj, args) unless execAsap
timeout = null
if timeout
else if (execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args)
timeout = setTimeout delayed, threshold || 100
so you can use it like this:
mouseMoveHandler: (e) ->
@debounce((e) ->
# Do something here, but only once 300 milliseconds after the mouse cursor stops.
someOtherHandler: (e) ->
@debounce((e) ->
# Do something here, but only once 250 milliseconds after initial execution.
250, true)
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