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Telegram RSS Feed

What is the cheapest way to make a bot send me rss feed news on telegram?

If you wonder how to setup bots on telegram. They have @botfather, he will help you.

npm dependencies

const { Sequelize, Op, Model, DataTypes } = require("sequelize");

const sequelize = new Sequelize({
  // The `host` parameter is required for other databases
  // host: 'localhost'
  dialect: "sqlite",
  storage: "./database.sqlite",

const Article = sequelize.define("Article", {
  title: DataTypes.STRING,
  content: DataTypes.TEXT,
  contentSnippet: DataTypes.TEXT,
  creator: DataTypes.STRING,
  guid: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING,
    unique: true,
  link: DataTypes.STRING,

// sequelize.sync({ force: true }) will be useful if you need to start from scratch
  .then(() => {});

const { Telegraf } = require("telegraf");
const Parser = require("rss-parser");

const bot = new Telegraf(YOUR-TELEGRAM-BOT-KEY);
const parser = new Parser();
const rssUrl = "https://www.sensor-magazin.de/feed/"
const telegramChannel = "@sensormainz_inoffiziell"

(async () => {
  const feed = await parser.parseURL(rssUrl);
  feed.items.forEach((item) => {
      title: item.title,
      content: item.content,
      contentSnippet: item.contentSnippet,
      creator: item.creator,
      guid: item.guid,
      link: item.link,
      .then(function (item) {
          .sendMessage(telegramChannel, item.link)
          .then((_msg) => {
          .catch((e) => {
      .catch((e) => {

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